Friday, February 18, 2011

Update from the crypt o' sick

I've been sick. Can you forgive me blog world? Of course you can.

Tuesday I was so sick I went home early, Wednesday I stayed home sick and stuffed Vitamin C into me. Thursday I was better, Today I hardly need any cough drops. Woot. Fastest cold in a while.

Because I've been sick I haven't worked out, I haven't written, I have sat in front of the TV and watched True Blood season 1 and 2 (almost done). Um I love True Blood now. Just sayin'.

The only good part (not really) about being sick is that the only thing I could eat was soup. Soup has low calories. So i can get away (because I slept most of the day) only eating 240 cal in bowls of soup! Yeah that would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that the minute I start feeling better I run for the nachos with extra cheese and sour cream (yum) but good news is that I didn't eat the whole thing. I left quite a bit more than I usually would. Is my stomach getting smaller? Am I finally learning to eat slower? Who knows.

This was just a quick update so you wouldn't forget about me.

Ps: Andrew may have a job. He went to orientation at Nikita Drilling and had to do a physical test and pee test 'n all sorts of other things. He hears today. So please interwebz friends, cross your fingers and toes my Andrew gets a job that pays lots and lotsa moola!

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