Saturday, December 29, 2012

Surviving the Apocolypse

Wow, has it ever been a long time since I last wrote.

My last blog was about how I was beginning to go wheat free. I have to say it has been an amazing success! I am still wheat free, though I'm not as strict as I want to be with soy sauce and minor things that contain wheat.. that's something I want to change. But as a quick summary - I lost 20 lb in 4 months from not eating wheat! I have now stopped losing wheat and will have to actually do something to continue my weight loss.

Since the last blog I have remained wheat free, we have moved to Grande Prairie, Alberta, and ...well that's about it. I have transplanted my life here, and am quite content. Life goes on.

Now that the summaries are over, I mostly wanted to talk about New Years Resolutions. Last year I had written a blog about what I wanted to accomplish in 2012. I think now is a perfect time to go through that list and see what I have and have not accomplished. So let's see!

Deirdre’s 2012 Resolutions
1.   Lose weight, goal= 150 lbs or less (ideal 135 lbs [potentially not possible in 2012. 2013?]):
                  a.      200 lbs -
b.      190 lbs - yes!
c.       180 lbs - yes! (barely)
d.      170 lbs - not yet
e.       160 lbsnot yet
f.       150 lbsnot yet

2.    Healthy eating:
a.      Make fast food a rarity. yes! sometimes we do eat out, but it is much less than before!
b.      Home cooked meals  yes! since moving out here I have done a lot more cooking! 
c.       Cut out one item that is bad for you:
                                                           i.      Sugar -  not yet. this is on for 2013, i think.
                                                           ii.      Caffeine - no
                                                           iii.     White bread yes in a way. as I mentioned above, I cut out wheat
                                                           iv.      Red meat - no. I have actually increased how much meat I eat (well protein in general) with having cut out so many carbs with the no wheat diet. I do try and eat more chicken then red meet though.

3.     Healthy lifestyle:
a.       Consistent gym use - not yet. on the docket for 2013
b.      Run: - not yet - yeah, just no. One thing I am not happy about is the lack of exercise this past year. Must be improved dramatically 2013.
                                                          i.      30 sec straight
                                                          ii.      1 minute straight
                                                          iii.      2 minutes straight
                                                          iv.      5 minutes straight

4.     Arts and crafts
a.       Art:
                                                             i.      Take an art class - not yet, plan to take pottery or something in 2013
                                                            ii.      Push recognition of own Art forward -  not yet. to be honest I kinda gave up a bit on this. I found it too hard, and ended up just wantint to paint for my own comfort and happiness.
                            1.      Goal: 120 Likes on Facebook Page
                            2.      More commissions
                            3.      Gallery/coffee shop showing.

b.      Organize craft supplies in labeled bins. -  not yet. well their somewhat organized...
c.       Complete wedding scrapbook -  yes!  although it was online, and i have yet to place the order for it, but its done!
d.      Start year by year scrapbook (reference Facebook for picture dates) - yes! same as above. 

5.     Money and savings
a.      Save (ideally) $500 each month. - not yet. hopefully more with out new incomes and life up in the great white north!
b.      Pay off credit cards and maintain 25% balance.- not yet, i have a budget though.
c.      Pay off major debts:- not yet - this year! I have a budget.
                  d.      Save for family vacation- not yet. but we did move, so .. yeah
e.       Have 2010 and 2011 taxes completed -  yes! 
6.    Friends
a.       Make new friends and network with people with similar interests (art, reading, writing, etc) - sort of. I started talking to some old friends a bit more, and moving up here I have become involved in a group of women up here to just chat. Oh I made a new friend, but she lives with us, so she kidna has to be my friend. Must push to be more social in 2013.
b.      Make larger efforts to enrich the relationships I already have. - this is something that should continue on for all years!

7.     Family
a.      Keep close. Don’t let another death remind you that family is important yes! 
b.      Communicate and spend more time with Kendra and Ethan. Would like to know my nephew.- not yet
c.       Have the girls over more often.- a little hard now that we're over 1000 km away from each other. Plus, their teenagers... not really into talking or spending time with their aunt anymore.
d.      Add to the family - not yet, concentrating on getting healthy to do so.
                  e.       Try to bridge the gap between Grandma and self - not yet
f.       Extend more contact with Opa -   not yet
g.      Try to arrange more regular trips to see relatives. - not yet
h.      More common phone calls with Dad-  yes! 
8.    Be the wife Andrew deserves, the daughter Mom deserves, and the friend my Family and Friends deserve. - This is another one that should be ongoing throughout the years.

Alot of what my resolutions revolved around was weight loss. So here's a quick comparison of what I started out looking like in February and what I look like now, err just before Christmas. Sorry for the picture quality, it's always just cell phones. 

So I see alot of red in there, but also some green. So i think I did fairly well. I had a pretty in depth list, so it was a lot to accomplish. I am proud of what I did. 

Now to figure out what I want out of 2013!