I have perfected the sarcastic "no, I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat." Which ties in another part of my weight loss needs. I have read that your fertility goes down the more obese you are. at a BMI of 30 it starts going down, at BMI 35 your fertility decreases 43 %. My BMI is 34.9. Yeah, if we want to start a family I'm going to have to tone down. Aside from that is once I reached the 200 lb limit I felt my body change. No not just get bigger, but hormonally. Suddenly I'm too tired, my periods aren't regular, I'm moody as hell - and none of this is because I'm pregnant, but because I'm fat. I've been battling the hormones for the past year, and I've had enough- there's only so much the doctor's can do, when my size simply resets everything they try!
Last year around this time I started exercising and eating well when Andrew went to Alberta to find work. It's a lot easier to be healthy when you're on your own. You have more time, you don't have to worry about another's nutrition needs. When Andrew came back, that stopped for me
I'm hoping to kick start it again, but this time with Andrew home. This is already working out to be a challenge. One main reason is scheduling. I come home from work around 5 pm. That leaves plenty of time for dinner and work out, however I need to work out before dinner (otherwise there's no way I'm going to the gym). However, mom is home and though lately she hasn't been feeling up for dinner, but rather snacks - Andrew still needs dinner after the long hard days he puts in. So I feel almost stuck. And yes, I know he is perfectly capable of making his own dinner - but I enjoy having dinner with him, or at least the ideology of eating dinner as a family.
So far my plan for eating has been pretty simple. Stay as close to 1200 calories as possible. I keep track of this with an App on my phone. So far this week I have stayed pretty close in there.
Another key part is making sure I'm not eating out during my work day. I consider my work day to start when I leave the house, so that means no breakfast at McDonalds (which has prev been my downfall) and no running to Tim Hortons on the bank run for lunch. I'm getting up earlier and making breakfast, and bringing lunches to work - even simple ones like Oatmeal. It's considered a breakfast food, but it's enough for me.
The hardest part, aside from skipping my egg mcmuffins, is not snacking at night. I didn't realize how easily I got into the habit of just snacking on crap all evening long, during the holidays. Well I did, and that's hard to break. Easier when I'm eating dinner later.
So to conclude, what I am doing to help my weight loss right now is: Eating breakfast at home, bringing lunch to work - low cal, no snacking after dinner on crap food.
What do I need to do: Start exercising (after work before evening) which will push dinner later and hopefully solve the snacking problem. Continue logging calorie intake and (hopefully) watch the lbs shed!
Have any tips and tricks for your weight loss? What has helped you curve snacking?
Well you know from Twitter I've been on a similar path. Not trying to get pregnant (don't freakout if you're reading this Mom! LOL) but with a real deep-rooted unhappiness in my own skin.
What's helping me is running, and being vocal about it too. If I skip a day there are people who will notice, and I've set goals for it too. I'm a goal person, so I'm not just running to "get fit" although that's part of the reason. I'm training for a half-marathon. Keeping that goal is mind is REALLY helping me push though.
I've also identified areas of my eating that need to improve. I'm a late night snacker too, so I've switched out chips and candy for dried fruit and nuts. Carbs are another huge problem for me so I'm trying to reduce that to once a day of good carbs.
Wow going for a half marathon! awesome!
I've always wanted to work towards that or a run for the cure type deal, but it always seems like such a HUGE goal... atleast for me, and I'm so intimidated!
My BMI is my goal - I have a calculator and I keep myself updated.
I miss how proud I was when I started running - for some reason treadmill hurts me less then running outside... so I am hoping to start that again.
Also for my birthday husband will get me a "class". Can't decide between Taiko drumming or ballroom dance - something that's fun and gets me moving.
Too bad you didn't live closer or i'd suggest gym buddies!
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