2011 Has been a year of immense highs, immense lows, it has been happiness, birth, begins, death and endings. It has been a full year, if no other description suffices.
January 2011 was when I started this blog. I wanted to network for writing, write about my journey to write. I wanted to do so much. Some of it I have accomplished. But over the year this blog has changed, evolved. It has gone to more about me then writing. It includes my writing, art, crafts, but more my life.
January to May I was planning the wedding and missing my fiance who was in Alberta at the time. I lost friends, gained a new respect for the ones that stuck around. I experienced my very own stagette!
May we were married and that started a whole new world for me, but at the same time it changed nothing. It was amazing and something that feels so fresh and yet so old at the same time.
This fall brought many pains. September was a very painful month for my family. We experienced great and terrible loss with my new Uncle and my Oma passing away. My (great) Aunt also had a fall which I beleive she is still recovering from.
Winter showed a little happiness as my husband and I got to enjoy our honeymoon. However, December was not so friendly.
Early November my mother was diagnosed with Colo-rectal Cancer. There isn't a whole much I can say about it. It will be a fight, we have been preparing for the battle.
In conclusion, the new years has had many highs and lows. It seems in summary that the lows far outweighed the highs. And that may be true. I choose to believe that 2012 will have more highs then lows, the great equality.
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