We've been in the new year 4 weeks and some change. I feel like those 4 weeks have been an uphill battle since my resolutions were decided.
Weight loss has not come, though I feel smaller, it's still not showing any difference on the scale. Getting active hasn't happened. My addiction to Netflix and Bones has kept my ass firmly planted on the couch instead of where it belongs, on a treadmill or elliptical trainer.
I've been so tired that I haven't wanted to move from said couch. Or move anywhere. Or do anything. Blah.
I'm basically just rolling from place to place like a human Eeyore. It's sad. Very sad. I admit it.
I've started drinking lots more water and chewing on ice much more throughout the evening. During the 2nd week of January I was having problems with constant snacking. I've turned that around to constant snacking on ice. I do find myself less "hungry", and it just proves that I'm not hungry, but rather (like most people) dehydrated.
But I know I need to get my but in gear and do some exercise. We missed the deadline for some of the ones we wanted to take this month, so now it's on the search for something we can do that is fun, cheap (ish) and also exercise.
Topping our list is Lasertag (which can get it expensive), bike riding (if the weather clears up a bit... not likely), dancing (other businesses and people offer dance lessons, though there are dance nights we are still interested in), and bowling. Anything else you can think of?
I've also been thinking about my morning routine. Because I'm going to bed so late from watching TV, I need to start going to be earlier and making use of my Xbox Kinect and the fitness programs I have. if I get up early enough, there's no one in the house, and I can yoga my way into a (hopefully) more energized morning. Which maybe, just maybe, will get me out of these doldrums I have found myself in.
Cross your fingers for me that I actually do all this that I'm talking about - because right now I'm struggling just thinking about thinking about it.
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