My world has been revolving around the wedding as of late, and I am sorry, blog, for I have somewhat forgotten you.
I have *finally* created the list of all that should be done (though list is probably not actually done). And things are rapidly getting removed from its pages. So my life is a series of getting things off of my wedding lists.
There is some interesting news on the Bridal front. MOH suggested that my sister in law be MOH because she's been doing so much. Seriously my sister in law has been a godsend to me with all of the wedding stuff. I appreciate (a lot) MOH saying this because I sort of wanted to as well. This goes back to a post I deleted about how all of my bridesmaids are like MOH's to me in how much they matter, but man has my sister in law deserved the title. So I asked my sister in law to be MOH and previous MOH retired the crown. Sister in law accepted so I guess her new tag should be Sister Maid of Honor? SMOH? That kind of looks like the initials for a fantasy book - but whatever.
So Yes, things are coming along quickly on the wedding train.
I should share some guilt that I have been broadcasting on Twitter about Japan. A week ago I got the flower girl dress in the mail (well my neighbor did, but i got it in the end). I ordered this on eBay from an Asian seller. When I got the flower girl dress I found out it was *gasp* white. Not ivory. Not like I had ordered! Here is a picture of the difference, since so many *men* out there don't understand it.
So I have this flower girl dress that totally clashes with my wedding dress. Well I look to see if we can dye it, but it's polyester, so we could try - but apparently it's hard to do. May ask seamstress on my appointment next weekend.
So I contact the seller Thursday night to see if she has a darker color because clearly this dress is not ivory.
I have yet to receive anything back.
I have come to the conclusion that the seller of my flower girl dress is in Japan and I will never get my proper flower girl dress!
Now let's make this clear, I was quite upset to hear about the goings on in Japan, the natural disaster and have kept abreast of everything going on. I have treated all of this with the suitable amount of shock, awe and horror.
But I still have this guilt because I am actually kinda peeved and annoyed about the dress debacle.
Is this the intro to the Deirdre Bridezilla I have been foreboding? It could be, it very well could be.
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