Well it looks like wedding fever has finally struck me... again! My cold is slowly going away, and in its place a flurry of wedding bogged thoughts take its place.
After a meeting with my sister in law we figured out theres a crap load I want /need to do. So i finally did what I have been procrastinating on for the longest time. I wrote a list. A list of small things I need to do, things I need to ponder on.
I feel much more organized in le brain with this list being set down. I even put down time limits for when I need some things done. Oh yeah. I'm turning into a bride alright! Late, but better than never.
Now, why all the surge in wedding planning stuff? well Andrew got a job! Yay! Not only did he get a job, he's already there! He flew out to Fort Saint John this afternoon and is settling into Camp as we speak. He will be doing 2 weeks on 1 week off. Yes, for those of you with those handy-dandy math skills, that means that I get to see him in 2 weeks (plus or minus a day or two for travel)
In other news my female cat is in heat. My male cat, who was fixed a couple years back, has been settling for hiding or playing dead when she starts howling. I cannot wait to get her fixed, and everytime she starts the dreaded howling (after i scream at her to shut up, throw various pillows at her and chase her around the house) I stare at her telling her just how much i can't wait for her to go in for surgery. I'm a mean mean kitty mommy.
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