I've spent a lot of time this week trying to think of what to write on the blog. To be honest, my life has been less then spectacular this past week - so inspirational blogs have been less then forthcoming.
I've finally started to notice the daily dog walks paying off with the slight lessening of my gut. Weight hasn't dropped though, I am still the same - however I think I'm starting to develop muscle (probably from moving and still unpacking) so next comes the weight loss...right?
I've also noticed that I am really jealous. Not of other women, but of babies. I've always known that I wanted to be a momma, and to lots of little ones. Andrew and I have talked about having kids, and after last year's miscarriage, we decided that it's going to happen soon (next 5 years) but not just yet. We said "after the wedding" now it "after the honeymoon" and my mind is so torn between yes and no. We are young, only 23 and 22. We are not ready financially (but I know so many that make it being worse off then us). There's still so much I want to do before I have kids. Of course I realize that I can just as well do many of those things with kids... so it's kind of a void point. But then we have the yes's. We want one. We would be great parents. I may not be able to carry full term, so better start trying now. It takes a bit to get pregnant (statistically). I'm almost 24, which means it's the age I wanted to have a baby. We're not getting any younger - and I want the energy to enjoy my children. I'm super curious about what he/she would be like...
Yes I realize that the few points against are stronger then the points for...however nothing can get past the "I want" which is turning into a feeling resembling need.
Everyone has opinions on when someone should get pregnant. Many relatives tell me I'm too young. However, 23/24 is a respectable age to have a child. I am married, we both have a steady income and I would get maternity leave. I've also been told we should wait to buy a house. Do you know how hard it is to buy a house? It's hard. The only way to buy a house these days is that: someone has an incredibly high income (ie: working on the rigs, high up in a labour trade, work multiple jobs, etc), your have help (parents, family), or you win the lottery. I am sure there are people who have managed to save enough - but really, how often do you find young people, starting out, making under $18 an hour, able to save enough after their bills to get the 10% needed for a down payment on a mortgage? Yeah.. not often. Yeah, I know I'm a bit pessimistic.
So in conclusion, I have been in a crappy whiny mood.
On top of everything Laine has scratched the walls. Jumping up and digging his claws in to the drywall. I thought the move would stop that. Obviously not. So my solution is to put things in front of it, when I can't well that's where the tricks start. Clean with bleach (apparently cats have sensors on their feet and those leave a scent that says to scratch again), then put tin foil over it (cats apparently don't like the feeling), and see if it works to keep him away. If that doesn't work then it's to buy a spray that is sort of like when they scent by rubbing against things. Apparently cats don't want to scratch where they scent.. so that's the next one. I['m hoping there are more suggestions, but if not our last possible step is to declaw him. I am really against it, but judging by how badly he took the change when we moved - I don't think he could handle new owners, let alone being without his sister. I don't think I would handle it well either to be honest.
So, have any suggestions?
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