My big recycled glass painting didn't sell. What happened was we had two small bids, then to up it, my friend added a bid hoping that the other person would add more. However, they didn't. So I was in big self pity mode because no one wanted to pay more then $25 for it. This, I equated, was my value.
So I was down and out thinking that there is no point to dreaming, that I was stupid for believing I ever had an ounce of talent, and so on and so forth. Then I went to sleep after crying in my closet. Yes, i know. Childish.
I woke up, still thinking it sucked how it didn't sell for more, but realizing that #1. I didn't want to give up my dreams; and #2. the event wasnt about me, so suck it up buttercup!
The event did what it was supposed to and raised tons of money for Anita, so she could stop worrying about bills; and heal! It was a fun event, and I should have enjoyed that...however, I was stuck with my own ego.
The painting didn't sell there - however there is a possibility of it selling elsewhere, of maybe doing a facebook auction, or even just selling it normally.
My mom had said it best (though at the time I didn't want to hear it): that I am still getting better. I have a skill, one that should be worked on, but its a skill nonetheless, that I should be proud of. it may not have been everyone's cup of tea, can I really expect that? No.
There was more inspirational words, but right this morning I can't remember much beyond my embarrassing hissy fit that proceeded this.
I have had my dreams dashed, this is not one of those times. However, my ego is still a bit sore - but I will survive it and get better so that one day my ego may be large enough to withstand such events and self induced pain.
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