Today I am burnt out.
- I've been battling a cold the last few days.
- E had like, no naps yesterday - which meant not the best sleep last night for either of.
- She is also way clingy since she started realizing I can leave her - even to the point of me not being able to go into the kitchen, of which there is a cut out so I can still see her and her see me!
- Its rainy and windy and that just drags the energy way down
- I have had a headache for 3 days straight
Combine it all together and... I'm just tired.
But that's mom life, right? Yeah. I'd love to say WRONG, but none of those things can be helped.
So what do you do when this hits? Let it. Today has been a lazy Netflix day. (I did clean the floors, so theres that - but thats pretty much daily with all the dog hair, thanks summer!) I am going to do myself no good if I push too hard. I tried to get in a work out this morning, tried to max out with Sean T... but no. 30 seconds in I realized I didnt have the energy to give it my all, and I'd probably to my body worse.
But know that doesn't help with the guilt. I went to the pool with Liz yesterday and was totally exhausted afterwards - of course she refused to nap ALL DAY so I didnt get to nap, which I honestly really needed. So no workout yesterday. Though to be fair to myself, going to the pool and constantly holding 20 lb baby is a bit of a workout. Not to mention the permanent squat walk you must maintain to keep yourself and her under the water, but maintain control so neither drown. So I kind of worked out.
I still feel guilty. BUT I am reminding myself that I need to let myself be sick. I need to take care of myself. And so long as I maintain a healthy diet during the time I'm sick, there is nothing to feel guilty about.
Remember that, moms, when you're burnt out. We are amazing, powerful creatures - us moms, but even we need a break sometimes.
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