Am I the only one hearing the Rocky theme right now? dundundundunduhh eye of the tigerrrr
I have a plan. A super-awesome, slightly daunting, might be really hard - plan.. But its a plan.
I am going to attempt, after nearly a year and half, to basically jump back into my pre-pregnancy fitness routine. Yes, I am aware it sounds crazy.
Pre-baby, I was working out 5 days a week! Woo crazy pants! That was on top of working a full time job! This time, I'm a mom (so full time job doesn't begin to cover it) so scheduling it will be hard. And being sore afterwards its just going to involve getting the F over it, because guess what - E doesn't care if I'm sore! So... its daunting, and scary, but I'm so stupid excited for it.
So here's my plan. We recently moved our gym set up from the garage (brr too cold for E to hang out) to our basement. (Blog post here! I'll write a blog post soon about that process, because I did most of the reno work, and though its all superficial, I'm proud!) Now that it is moved, and set up - I have 0 excuses! None. Nada. Zilch. Capiche? And in true Deirdre fashion, I'm just going to go balls out, head first, full tilt into it. Holding back is for losers, and playing it safe. Right?
So the plan.
The type of person I am, I need a defined exercise regime. I need to know exactly what I am going to be doing, in the order I will be doing it before I start. I hate wandering around, machine to machine, or in this case, corner to corner, trying to figure out what to do. Its unproductive, and a waste of time. I like to know what I'm going to do. Do it. And be done. Boom.
So I have a giant white board with THE PLAN.
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Oooh. Ahh. |
Wide Grip Lat Pulls
Concentration Curls,
Dumbbell Curls
Hammer Curls (oh so curly)
Chainsaw Pulls
Incline Pull Ups
Bench Press
Close Grip Bench Press
Pec Fly
Push-up/Incline Push-up
Bench Fly
Dumbbell Press
Plank - 45 sec
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Hooping - yeah I am that hella fun!
Incline Push=up
Kettle Bell throws
Clean and Press
Weighted Calf Raises
Rowing Machine
INSANE MAX 30 (once I get it)
I typically take the weekend off from planned exercises. Even though I'm on mat leave, and weekends don't really matter - I'm still stuck in the mindset of them being free time. But having two days off gives me time to make up for a workout I may have missed, or to do fun stuff like walk the dog, or do any of the 10 bajillion household projects I have lined up - none of which, sadly, involve sitting on my butt catching up on Supernatural. Damnit.
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The Beast we moved downstairs. |
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