Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's been a long time since I have sat down and wrote, blog or anything (as you well know, since my blogs have lately been few and far between).

I've had some excitement in my life, and a lot of boring.

Married life has turned out to be normal. It's just as it is, and I often find myself wondering if it actually happened - or being amazed that it did. I guess I imagine that after such a monumental occasion - that life would change. And it doesn't - well until I have to sign my new name.

I have slowly started changing my name over - starting with Facebook, Twitter, my online profiles, then moving onto paintings and eventually legal identification. Signing DPuff is getting easier and practically habit now.

Speaking of paintings, I have had an interesting 2 weeks. Canada Day weekend was lovely. I sold two paintings, got a commission for another and had a meeting with a local coffee shop owner. This coffee shop is one I spent most of my time skipping school to. I went there and dreamed of what my life would entail when I would be where I am now. Who knew I could dream of having my art hanging there. He took a look at my portfolio and told me to keep in touch, that we could possibly look at having my art displayed for fall. This. Fall. 2011. My artwork. In a public coffee house. displayed. with proper lighting. for sale. with my name under it in cute little templates.  Oh. My. God.

I also agreed to do the Fairfield Market. This is a local market, first year running being held on June 23, 2011 at the Chilliwack Lions Hall on Hope River Road.  I am super excited. It's a small venue type deal to start me off. I even ordered business cards today, for this. I have my portfolio made, but need to add more pages to it. I have a couple more paintings to add onto it.. but yeah. I have to start making name plate thingers for underneath with the prices clearly put up. I am going to try and see if I can get that big canvas my aunt, cousin and I did. She mentioned selling it so I may just use it as a backdrop and see if it sells.

I guess I need to do a custom price list, if anyone wants to Order.

I also finished my painting for the Trees for Life Exhibition. I am going to send it off to Scotland hopefully by the end of the week - I hope it reaches there in time. What do you think? In the picture it is still wet...

Mom also told me that I can already start keeping my receipts for a business. That because I am doing business under it - on Facebook and Etsy, that I can legally have that as a business. I'm going to ask my tax lady to be sure, but mom says that I could get an HST number, but I don't have to. I don't have to register the name unless I want to. Again, I will talk to someone about that and see.  Which means that it can also pay for part of our rent since I have "studio space". I'll keep you updated on how that goes for me.

We are also looking at moving now. We are hoping for September - but haven't found anything yet, nor have we given our notice. We are looking for something in Langley or close to. Andrew and I, both commuting to Langley at different times is just to much. It costs Andrew close to $1000 just for his car! yikes!

So moving closer to Langley, art moving forward, married life just living... yep that's it.

Still trying to save for the honeymoon - but catching up on bills right now is getting in the way. I really hope we can pull it together in time.

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